Stop asking if you make sense!

I do this all of the time! I will share information or be presenting on a talk and will pause and ask whomever I am speaking, “Does that make sense?” Now, the sentiment is valid. I understand sometimes I am sharing complex information or may be sharing a large volume of information in one sitting. Asking if I make sense is a courtesy, right? I care about the audience and want to make sure that they are understanding what I am saying. Wrong...well, mostly, anyway.

See, when we ask if this makes sense, we are doing 2 things:

  1. Implying that what we are saying does not make sense which subconsciously introduces confusion and doubt into your audience while simultaneously disrupting your flow.

  2. Puts the burden of responsibility entirely on you to keep checking in and to make sure that people are understanding what you are saying/mean.

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Feeling like all your days run together? Time to rethink your morning and evening routine.

While this has been something many of us have struggled with for years, the pandemic has truly added significant stress and overwhelm when it comes to the structure of our days. One of the best things we can do to start offsetting these costs is to create daily anchor points in the morning and the evening.

What do I mean by this?

Find your routine. And make it non-negotiable.

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Beware of "Toxic Positivity". You're not fine and that's okay.

One of the cultural norms exacerbated by the pandemic is the overemphasis on and pressure to be positive.

"Oh, how wonderful you can be home and spend this time with your kids" or "It's so great how much more productive I can be now."

Don’t get me wrong. We absolutely need to find joy and anchor on the positive aspects of our lives, especially in the midst of crisis. But the pressure to be "fine" and to have it all together all of the time can lead to "toxic positivity".

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Time To Take The Mask Off.

We do it all the time. Conform to the group around us. Hide an opinion to sound more “easy going”. Act excited and happy when we feel exhausted and annoyed.

Driven by the belief that we must perform to the standards of those around us, we put on a mask, every day, and try to be the version of ourselves we think the people around us will best respond to.

I did this for years - always going with the flow, taking care of everyone’s problems, being the person who could handle anything with a smile on her face.

And to what end?

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Stop Working Through Lunch!

Working through lunch has been an issue we have faced for decades. The pressure to be productive and to "maximize your time" every second of the day has led many of us to see things like "lunch breaks" as optional, and instead, we find ourselves working through lunch or trying to multitask to get things done.

Now, I understand, it is not possible for us to always have time completely uninterrupted and devoted purely to fueling your body, but that is not the ask here. I want you to consider how often you are multitasking while eating throughout the day. Or, in many cases, how often are you skipping lunch or ignoring your body's hunger cues so you can keep working and "power through"?

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