Self-love is a right, not a privilege.

You are not selfish, weak or silly for making the choice to live your best life.

but Loving yourself is hard —

Especially when you don’t have the skills to do it effectively and have spent your whole life telling yourself you are less than.

The practice of self-love gives us:

  • A deeper sense of purpose and connection.

  • Improved sleep, confidence, body image, and overall functioning.

  • Increased mental and emotional well-being.

Without it, you’re at risk of:

  • Burnout

  • Lower self-esteem

  • Insecure and maladaptive relationships and coping skills

  • A life of discontent.


This digital workbook is designed to take you through a 4-part process that balances insight and action. By moving through each aspect of self — past, present and future — we will integrate the selves and learn to practice self-forgiveness, radical acceptance, and boundary setting in the process of creating a values-driven life.

  • Define self-love, self-compassion, and self-esteem & their benefits

  • Identify the barriers that loving yourself

  • Determine the benefits of a dedicated self-love practice

  • Assess your current level of life satisfaction

  • Create your WHY statement

  • Understand shame and it’s impact on your story

  • List the “shoulds” and “supposed tos” that rule your life

  • Define forgiveness and the role it can play in your life

  • Make peace with your past and practice self-forgievness

  • Let go of what is not in your control

  • Define your TME (time, money and energy) investment strategy and assess its current role

  • Define your values, wants, and needs

  • Differentiate between alone and lonely

  • Complete a relationship inventory and assessment

  • Make the shift to self-integration

  • Define success and worthiness in our own terms

  • Meet your future self and create your vision board for your future

  • Develop a gratitude and celebration practice

  • Transition from performing to embodying your authentic self

  • Create a future barriers list & response plan

  • Create your 1% growth plan

Join the community of people daring to lean into their lives, author their own story, and love themselves truly.
