Decision Fatigue. The chronic condition we keep perpetuating in our daily lives.

Have you ever been so exhausted that even the smallest choice feels overwhelming?

Trust me, you are not alone. So what can we do about it?

Did you know that time of day is one of the biggest factors affecting our decision making? It makes sense, right? Throughout our day, we are inundated and exhausted by more choices and tasks that use up our time and energy coins.

This means that, as the day goes on, and our f*ck budget dwindles, we do not have as much time and energy to allocate, leaving us overwhelmed by and/or apathetic to the decisions left to make and often just doing what we can to stay within the status quo.

But the problem is that it is not just a greater sense of hurriedness or apathy that develops. See…

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Feeling like all your days run together? Time to rethink your morning and evening routine.

While this has been something many of us have struggled with for years, the pandemic has truly added significant stress and overwhelm when it comes to the structure of our days. One of the best things we can do to start offsetting these costs is to create daily anchor points in the morning and the evening.

What do I mean by this?

Find your routine. And make it non-negotiable.

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