Rethinking Connection: Is this relationship worth taking into the next year?

As you inevitably assess your life and consider how you want to evolve in the coming year, stop getting stuck on behavior changes. You don’t need to constantly reinvent yourself. You need to create a life where loving yourself is no longer conditional. How? One of the key things is to consider with whom we spend our time? 

As I have been making space for this, I have been sitting with the question…

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Guess what? You don't have to go to your family's holiday event.

Many of you will be with family this week and some of those interactions may carry a lot of weight. You may have already found yourself wishing it was 3 years ago and you had the pandemic to help you graciously back out of something you try and talk yourself out of every year. 

Family is hard.

And many of us have such a deep-seated sense of obligation that you can’t even entertain the idea that you have a choice not to be with them.

Read More can be lonely even if you aren't alone?

It is incredibly common to feel lonely even when surrounded by people throughout our lives. Connection is more than just location and being around or near others. Connection is about feeling like someone understands you, is listening to you or that you can be yourself around them.

Connection is about feeling a sense of rooting in oneself that is supported by the people you are around.

But how can we understand the difference between the two and what can we do about it?

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What if we loved people for who they are and not what we hoped they would do or be?

I struggle with this a lot. I have an idea of how something should go, someone should act, what the outcome should be and it is hard for me to be open to when it doesn’t go that way.

It comes from a place of love and longing for people. Wanting them to be their most fulfilled selves. Wanting them to find peace and joy and healing.

And, sometimes, I supersede my want over their willingness, motivation and desires.

I forget that how they choose to live their lives is not my choice to make.

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