Wait...you can be lonely even if you aren't alone?

It is incredibly common to feel lonely even when surrounded by people throughout our lives. Connection is more than just location and being around or near others. Connection is about feeling like someone understands you, is listening to you or that you can be yourself around them.

Connection is about feeling a sense of rooting in oneself that is supported by the people you are around.

But how can we understand the difference between the two and what can we do about it?

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Love: Defining it with our senses and differentiating between how we give and receive it

Love takes work. It means putting in effort even when you are depleted. And contrary to what we want to believe, it is not convenient. Yet, it is vital to our sense of connection and fulfillment in the world.

How do we know what loves looks like and how it shows up for us? How do you want to receive or be shown that love? How do you show it? This blog post is about getting you to think more about these ideas and getting clear on the role love plays in your life and how to show it to others effectively as well as ask for it in the ways you need and want it.

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People Pleasing: Why we do it and why you need to stop RIGHT NOW.

Shame is often developed early in life and leads to a life filled with a constant state of threat of connection and acceptance. Shame operates under the assumption that we are inherently not good enough and the only way to belong is to make sure no one sees these deficits in our true self. As such, it does what it can to mitigate the threat by forcing us to adapt our behaviors and interpersonal relationships.

And it's best line of defense? People pleasing.

The hope?

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Are you holding on to expired relationships?

Sometimes, we hold on to people and relationships because they’re comfortable.

Because they’re familiar. They’re predictable. But perhaps, the love or connection has faded — or was never really there.

Ex. The friendship that has drifted apart long agp but you keep saying ‘we should get together’ or the loveless marriage that you stay in because ‘divorce would be too hard on the kids’.

In order to move forward and not get stuck in these unhelpful and often stagnating relationships, we must be able to grieve the endings and gain clarity on the difference between superficial connection and that of depth and truth. Only then can we free up the background processing energy to invest more deeply in the love and connection that is true and real.

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