Do You Have Healthy Boundaries?

The short answer is probably not. Most people don't.

Shame, fear, self-doubt, limiting beliefs all get in the way of setting healthy boundaries and since these experiences are universal, we are all at risk for boundary disruption and erosion.

Plus, none of us have lived in a pandemic before which has been a major stressor and dismantling of our boundaries.

I say this because, as we develop insight into setting healthy boundaries we must be careful not to judge ourselves. I talk more about this in my workbook, I Love Me.

Judgment asks for a punishment, and that only perpetuates our shame.

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How To Respond When Someone Keeps Talking About Diets

This happens all of the time. Talking about food is not the problem. Talking about food from a shame-based lens is the problem. The pressure to be on a diet, to berate yourself for what you have eaten or “should” be doing, to assume only certain body types can eat certain food…and the list goes on. All of this is shame-driven communication.

Sometimes we eat too much. Sometimes we do not eat enough. Sometimes we need help managing what we eat, how often, and how difficult it can be to feel like we are not controlled by food and self-loathing.

We don’t need to keep perpetuating the ideals that are simultaneously trapping us. So, what can we do if we find ourselves trapped in these conversations?

Try these responses…

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Stop Working Through Lunch!

Working through lunch has been an issue we have faced for decades. The pressure to be productive and to "maximize your time" every second of the day has led many of us to see things like "lunch breaks" as optional, and instead, we find ourselves working through lunch or trying to multitask to get things done.

Now, I understand, it is not possible for us to always have time completely uninterrupted and devoted purely to fueling your body, but that is not the ask here. I want you to consider how often you are multitasking while eating throughout the day. Or, in many cases, how often are you skipping lunch or ignoring your body's hunger cues so you can keep working and "power through"?

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