Their Reaction Is Not Always About You.

Have you ever found yourself in a conversation or interaction, wondering how things got from “here to there”?

It seemed like you were just talking when, suddenly, you are hit with a defense so powerful it is hard to respond. Anger — the degree of which seems completely misaligned with the intensity of the conversation. It might not even be anger directed at you but the intensity of this emotion creates a domino effect so powerful that it can filter everything through its red-coated lenses.

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Beware of "Toxic Positivity". You're not fine and that's okay.

One of the cultural norms exacerbated by the pandemic is the overemphasis on and pressure to be positive.

"Oh, how wonderful you can be home and spend this time with your kids" or "It's so great how much more productive I can be now."

Don’t get me wrong. We absolutely need to find joy and anchor on the positive aspects of our lives, especially in the midst of crisis. But the pressure to be "fine" and to have it all together all of the time can lead to "toxic positivity".

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Emotions are like onions.

Emotions are complex.

Understanding our emotions and the language we use to describe them is an incredibly powerful tool. For many of us, we have “go to” emotions or descriptors. We may be “anxious” all of the time or “stressed” out and “overwhelmed”. However, sometimes, these catch-all terms are not exactly accurate and leave us with a misconception of our emotions and the complexities of our experiences. Why is this important?

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