It's time to looking for quick fixes and instant gratification and celebration.
We feel the need to instantly judge our worth or success based upon mistaken beliefs that perfection is the only option when we try for something and unless we get the reaction and celebration from others, it is not worth it. One wrong move and we are a failure, broken or a loser. But by searching for and striving for immediate results — and getting it all right on the first try, we lose sight of the fact that 10 seconds of fame or one more bullet point to add to our resume does not define us.
We are defined by the culmination of our choices, experiences and, more importantly, who we are.
Nothing sustainable happens in one try and it is through the evolutionary process of living that we find true "success" and joy.
Trust me, I get it. We all have a little Veruca Salt inside of us screaming, "I want it now!" Patience is hard. Waiting sucks. Instant gratification feels way better (at least in the moment) than sitting with ambiguity and anticipation. Especially when we already see a path in front of us and guaranteed outcomes, it creates a false sense of empowerment and motivation. But, in my own pursuits, playing the instant gratification game or choosing the path of least resistance to try and get success from someone else's courage, I can tell you that living in a false truth or someone else's narrative never grants true joy.
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