Not getting anywhere in therapy? Have you considered this?

I have felt this way as a client and a therapist. The stagnancy and annoyance where it seems like all you do is come in and give an update about your week or complain about the same things that were bothering you the last time. You talk in circles around an issue but stay tethered to the same anchor points.

You start to wonder what you are even doing in therapy — is this even helping?

You are already overwhelmed and have little time and energy left to give. You consider leaving. But is that what's best? Is the problem the therapist? Is it something else? Before making a decision on whether or not to end your work with your therapist, consider the following:

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Relax? Haha...okay! Let's try this instead!

Anxiety is a bitch. It truly is. And when anxiety and distress show up, they activate our fear-brain (referred to in my last blog post) which shuts off all of our executive control and function.

But, for any of us who have been there, we all know that these thoughts, feelings and behaviors can consume us if we don;t figure out some way to shut it down and get our brain off of this hell-ridden ride.

So, what can we do?

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