Connection Over Perfection

I used to get so overwhelmed about the idea of giving a presentation, showing a piece of work, or posting anything on social media. I worried about getting something wrong, not being seen as professional enough, or letting people down in some way by not having it “all figured out”. I would sit on sketches, prompts, talk topics, etc, and never share them, telling myself that they were not ready or good enough yet — a word so deeply coated in fear.

I thought I had to be everything before I could do or be anything.

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Conforming. No, this is not just a teenage problem. And it’s time we all stopped.

In high school, I used to buy the most ridiculous clothing because it was “cool”. Hollister polos and Abercrombie jeans anyone? I listened to the music everyone else wanted…and for the record, country music was NEVER a joyful tune to me. I let others influence my opinion or vote -- even in presidential elections, went along with the plans of others, broke up with someone my group of friends found to be “unacceptable”. And one of the hardest ones to admit is that I would make fun of people because that was how others exchanged social capital and “connected” was through exclusion.

As an adult, many of these same pieces continued. From clothes, sharing my options, the work I did, and the perpetuation of busyness, shame, and fear-based thinking.

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Let go of the things — thoughts, people, stories — that are no longer serving you.

Have you ever stayed in a relationship -- romantic or otherwise -- way past its expiration date? Ruminated on a thought that was no longer serving you? Held onto a belief or feeling because you felt scared to let it go?

Welcome to being human.

We are all inundated with shame and fear motivating us to hold on to people, stories, and thoughts that are no longer (or never did) serve us. Why? Because the perpetual chase to be “enough” has become so externally motivated we become stuck in a web of distress and lies.

We are afraid to let go of these things, even though they make us unhappy.

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