Connection Over Perfection

“That is the process of living. We do not need to be perfect. We just have to show up and dare to let ourselves be seen.”

I used to get so overwhelmed about the idea of giving a presentation, showing a piece of work, or posting anything on social media. I worried about getting something wrong, not being seen as professional enough, or letting people down in some way by not having it “all figured out”. I would sit on sketches, prompts, talk topics, etc, and never share them, telling myself that they were not ready or good enough yet — a word so deeply coated in fear. 

I thought I had to be everything before I could do or be anything. 

One day, talking to Jordan about an upcoming workshop I was nervous to lead, he said that people are just looking for connection. They weren’t looking to me to have all of the answers. They just wanted to feel heard -- understood. He reminded me that I thrived on making and deepening connections because I focused my work, in every aspect of my life, on being vulnerable and "letting people in". This is why people worked with me. This is why people connected to me. Not because I was perfect but because I was real. And all that chase for perfection was, was a manifestation of my own shame and fear getting in the way of building that connection. 

In reality, nothing I can ever do will be objectively or subjectively perfect (at least based on my own subjective interpretation). There are always flaws. There is always room to change, grow, evolve...that is the process of living. We do not need to be perfect. We just have to show up and dare to let ourselves be seen in order to create ripples in the world. 

How can you let go of the ideas of needing to act, be or chase perfection in order to allow for a greater connection with yourself and with others?

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