If you are still trying to figure out the score — you already lost.
We have all found ourselves in relationships where we tirelessly try to tally up who has done more or committed the greater number of wrongs.
Perhaps it's our shame making us feel like we are not showing up enough in the relationship:
Am I taking up too much space?
Have I offered to pay for lunch enough?
They do so much for me; I should be able to do "X".
Perhaps it's because shame is trying to make you feel a sense of power and control by cutting down others:
"How often am I doing for them with nothing in return?" or "You would think given all I do for them, they could just do 'X'."
I may have done "X," but do you know what they did to me?
Either way, trying to keep score in any relationship reduces it to something transactional and conditional.
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