Relinquishing Urgency: Shifting from doing to being

We have all felt it — that sense of urgency that makes us feel like we need to achieve success or complete something right now or that we are somehow behind schedule because we are “[INSERT AGE] years old and should have done/been/accomplished that by now”.

I have been feeling it a lot lately — especially with trying to balance my role as a mom and also living in the time of a pandemic. The feeling that I “should” be so excited and feel blessed to have as many opportunities as I do to be with my daughter while simultaneously being able to do and handle all of the things — cleaning my house, running my business, seeing patients…making new content, being creative…food prepping, working out, taking a shower (haha we have all had those days throughout quarantine — kids or not — where the idea of getting in the shower feels it has to be pushed aside to get something else done). This sh*t is hard. And yes, I truly love all of my roles AND I hate how often I feel at odds with the things I want and need to do and the fact that I am always faced with a list running in my head of what more I “should” and “could” be doing.

Where does that come from?

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