Convenience is not the goal.

Change is hard — especially when we choose it.

As much as we may hate our jobs, feel unfulfilled in our relationships, and feel like each day we just exist and perform, it’s easy to let fear drive complacency.

You would rather complain than leave.

You focus on the inconvenience of the change rather than the impact it can have. We begin to fluff up our pain — see it’s not that bad, I can stay.

We run ourselves ragged to keep making our current situation work, telling ourselves we have to “try one last time”.

I did this for years.

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If tomorrow, your life was exactly the way you wanted it...

If you woke up tomorrow and your life was exactly as you wanted it to be:

  1. What would your life look like? Consider the who, what, when, why, where and how. Can you describe it with all 5 senses?

  2. What would change? What wouldn’t you be doing? What behaviors, thoughts, and relationships would have ended or evolved?

  3. What would be the same? How would you still be you? What would have carried over?

These questions start to get us at the root of values-driven living. Who do you want to be and how do you want your life to look? The visualization process can be incredibly powerful as it allows you to “try on” your future self. At the end of it, you can still leave it be. You can go on living and being exactly as you are. But it doesn’t have to be. And when you are ready, you can start to turn those dreams and longings into the reality you deserve.

Need a little help going deeper into the visualization? Check out the video I did taking you through the “Future Day Fantasy” exercise.

You're going over budget! You can't afford another "YES"

Our time and energy are finite resources that must be conserved and spent with intention. When we overextend ourselves by trying to say “yes” to everything and everyone, we end up in the red The only way out being a full system shut-down by way of completely shutting everyone and everything out or having a major adult tantrum.

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What you need to know before you begin "the work".

Whenever we do any self-reflection or growth work, it is important to know the WHAT, WHO, HOW and WHY before we dive in.

  • What do you want to do, be, have, contribute, etc?

  • Who do you want to be?

  • How do you want your life design to come together?

  • Why do you want it?

This helps us develop what’s referred to as an approach goal.

Approach goals are clear on the direction you want to move in, flexible yet focused and give you the context through which to develop your implementation strategy.

The critical piece of this work is in the WHY.

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