Happiness is not the goal for a meaningful life

We are constantly chasing a destination of happiness or joy — thinking that we can summit the mountain and relocate permanently.

Unfortunately, happiness is not an ever-lasting mountain top we can rest upon. It is an emotion and emotions are transient.

Emotions — all emotions — are meant to be felt and experienced in waves.

They are not meant to be a part of our experience and life permanently. That means that when you feel happy, excited, or joyful that, yes, there is an endpoint. And, the good news is that emotions like sadness, anxiety, anger, and despair will also pass.

Rather than see that change and evolution as good or bad, focus on seeing the depth of the human experience that is felt by feeling these different emotions.

See them all as neutral and inevitable.

In fact, I had a professor describe emotions as a gift because each one is a connection to the human experience and brings us closer to the people, places, and experiences in our lives.

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