Go Off Book: The Power of Spontaneity

One of the best ways to decondition our brains from a place of anxiety and perfection is to increase our ability to go “off-book” and be spontaneous.

How can we live in a world where we use schedules and systems to optimize our lives while also making time to play, explore, and make space to actually connect with and respond to what our body is asking for?

Planning is great, but it is entirely logical.

We have to consider our emotional and physical selves in the equation and learn to broaden our understanding of commitment and productivity.

We can be scheduled without becoming rigid. We can make a plan while allowing fluidity and flexibility.

  • How can you make more space for openness and spontaneity?

  • What does it look like to find the balance between scheduled and unscheduled, controlled and uncontrolled?

  • What would it look like to assess how you feel when you look at your plan and adjust to ensure you are getting what you need and want while also staying the course on your goals and intentions?