Adversity Rising

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Avoid the Addiction to Being Right

What makes it so difficult? Honestly, I know I say it so much, but SHAME. Shame threatens our connection to others & the idea of being "right" often correlates with a sense of pride and value we attribute to greater belonging or value added to others. Sure, we can all sit here and say it isn't true AND, in the moment, in can be so hard to let it go.

So, what do we do? Ask yourself, do I think less of loved ones when they are wrong? Do I define others by the knowledge they have or the character of who they are? What does it say about me when I can make space for others to know more, take the glory or relinquish the idea of "rightness"? And ultimately, we have to learn to identify that physical activation feeling we get when we are challenged or feel the need to answer before making space for others and RIDE ITS WAVE. If I'm not the one to answer the question or someone proves me wrong, it does not diminish my worth. In fact, many people report feeling closer to those around them who share the spotlight & can show humility. So how about it? Maybe next time, we could let someone else have the glory?