flip your mindset
Stacey Uhrig
Unmasking Trauma's Shadow: Deep Dive with Kyira Wackett (Burnout, Healing & Beyond)
Topics & Takeaways:
Understanding trauma can be broken down into so many different forms and experiences
The cumulative consequences of unresolved trauma
The connection between trauma and burnout
The dysfunction in workplaces and busyness culture
The importance of seeking help and recognizing what support looks like for you
The Scenic Route
Jennifer Walter
unmasking shame: transforming pain into growth & resilience
Topics & Takeaways:
Exploring Shame Resilience and Personal Growth
Shame's Role in Society
Exploring Shame and Oppression
Building Boundaries and Taking Aligned Action
Finding Self-Love and Sustainable Change
The Resilient Self
Chris Neal
Overcoming Shame, Deconstructing Ted Lasso, and more with Kyira Wackett
Topics & Takeaways:
How I conceptualize shame and the way I apply this work to my clients.
Differences between therapy and coaching and where I felt shame making the switch
What does meaningful change and work look like?
A little exploration into Ted Lasso
this messy, beautiful life
Erin O'Donoghue
Topics & Takeaways:
The impact of childhood trauma, insecure attachment and how our sense of self is developed from our core beliefs and subsequent shame identity.
Parenthood and the importance of making shame resilient choices that work for you and don’t reflect the views (and/or shame and judgement) of others.
How to build shame resilience
Asking for help & building connection
Accessing therapy and support, including alternative methods other than therapy
How, when seeking help and it doesn’t working out as we hoped can lead us to think it’s us that’s broken, when that’s certainly not the case
Practical tips on finding the right support for you
All Things Human with Adele Wang
Adele Wang
Adele Wang interviews Kyira Wackett: Secret thoughts from a therapist-- How the mental health profession can uplevel for these changing times
Topics & Takeaways:
Life is about continuous growth — you don’t need tone “fixed"
Shame is the underpinning of almost all of our pain
Everyone feels like they are failing — that doesn’t mean you are broken or less than
How we need to shift the way we think about “the work” and healing
You need a counselor
Julie Johnson & Chrissa Hunt
We all need belonging
Topics & Takeaways:
The impact of shame and negative self-talk on accessing and getting the help we deserve
The role that therapy can play in supporting someone through their shame — and considerations for when therapy is not accessible or the right fit.
Why living in a constant state of shame and hyper vigilance is leaving you burnt out and constantly on edge.
Brand From the Inside Out
Courtney Freitag
Of Course You Feel That Way — Shame, Burnout & Fatigue
Topics & Takeaways:
The impact of shame on the way we show up and the pressure we put on ourselves to have, do and be it all
How this has affected me as a business owner, mom and so much more and the compounding effects it can have that lead to burnout.
See this awesome response from a listener below:
Note: You can listen directly below but this is no longer available on any media platform as the summit is over. Be sure to sign up for future audio summits with Courtney on her website (or watch my Events page in case I am ever able to participate again).
your daley pass
Fiona Daley and Courtney Passfield
the stories that we need to stop living in
Topics & Takeaways:
How shame develops and becomes a foundation point for how we show up and engage in the world
The ways that shame influences how we engage in relationships because we keep believing this is our reality and norm
How shame affects the way we engage with our children and can be an incredibly uncomfortable thing to hold space for with them when we have conditioned ourselves to fear it.
Money, Whine & Cheese
Sara Fernandez
all things shame and money
Topics & Takeaways:
The ways our relationship with money is tainted by “shoulds” & “supposed tos”
How our scarcity is a result of living in a world where we are conditioned to think that what we do is more important than who we are
The difference between reasonable fear or distress around money and shame-based distress and differentiating between what is serving you versus holding you back
Uncover the ways you project your fears about money and judgment onto others.
MAC Performance
Dr. Melissa MacDonald
working through shame: A general overview about the effects of shame and our sense of identity
Topics & Takeaways:
How shame is developed from early childhood experiences about what and who you need to do and be to be worthy of love and connection.
The way that shame is a foundation point for #HUSTLE culture and is an anxiety-rooted way of living.
The connection between shame and the fear of failure.
The impact of chasing external validation and how we become afraid of both the good and the bad when we chase this.
How to begin the journey of dismantling your shame.
from burnout to recovery
Dr. Kate Steiner
Shame as a precursor to burnout and what we can do about it
Topics & Takeaways:
The role of early childhood trauma in developing a belief system that my role was in being and doing everything for everyone else at any cost to myself.
The negative impacts of multitasking and productivity-driven living
The role of distress tolerance in the journey to healing and learning the ability to sit in a state of discomfort without having to fix or change it
How to pivot from band-aid solutions and quick fixes and shift away from distress intolerance to a place of tolerance
The mindset shifts that anchor us in the present and protect us from getting into a state of shame and burnout
Addressing shame in Menopause
Topics & Takeaways:
Defining shame — what it is and how it has been developed
What makes it so hard to talk about
The impact that shame has on our thoughts, actions, connections and feelings.
The role of shame resiliency & other responses to shame to help us manage and overcome it
She’s Hungry
Cait Pearson
shame — where does it come from and what can we do with it?
Topics & Takeaways:
Defining shame and the role it plays on our lives
Discussing the impact of the pandemic in activating and compounding shame
How to uncover your emotions and learn to sit in ones that are less comfortable
How to address and shift out of the narratives of our shame by setting boundaries, letting go of the pressure to be liked or fit in and shifting into a life led through your values and beliefs rather than fears.
balance shared
Michelle Lasley
trauma & shame in our daily lives
Topics & Takeaways:
Understanding the role and impact of trauma on our brain
The difference between “Big T” and “Little t” trauma
The role shame untamed can play in the way we think about ourselves and how we engage int he world
How to talk about and externalize our trauma and shame narratives
A Home Worth Having Podcast
Nicole Scholtysik
addressing shame in your relationships
Topics & Takeaways:
The role shame plays in developing our narratives and beliefs about ourselves and our place in this world
The connection to early childhood and shame development
How to shift away from shame-based thinking and let go of the drive to fit on or conform