Ouch, That Hurt

Felisha Hunter

DISsecting shame: A therapist’s perspective with kyira wackett

Topics & Takeaways:

  • Explore the role of shame in addiction & trauma

  • What does it mean to forgive yourself and others in the road to recovery

  • Why is grief a necessary part of the recovery process.


choose to be happy

Evey Rosenbloom

How to Forgive Yourself

Topics & Takeaway:

  • We all judge ourselves for things we wish we would have done differently.

  • Dwelling on the past and focusing on the shame is a barrier to joy.

  • Why you need and deserve to forgive yourself.

  • Your right to choose happiness

  • Tools to work through whatever it is that might be holding you back from choosing to be happy.


Grieving Voices

Victoria Volk


Topics & Takeaways:

“Imagine identifying your parent for a crime, knowing that what you disclose will send your only parent to prison. Imagine moving 11x by the time you were in the 5th grade. And imagine being the child of a parent who, for most of your childhood, was struggling with undiagnosed bipolar disorder.

Kyira was no stranger to chaos and uneasiness. She was the only child of a parent who turned to substances to cope with her mental health challenges and, in many ways, was the adult in the relationship. Perhaps to compensate for her shortcomings, her mother had no boundaries in her parenting, and Kyira pretty much dictated many decisions that had to be made; from which bedroom she got to have in a new place to if a man would get a second date with her mom, the buck stopped with Kyira.

What you may think would lead to entitlement instead laid the foundation for Kyira to be a high-performing, academically thriving student who would develop an eating disorder for eight years. There are many twists and turns in Kyira's story. And what's most fascinating about Kyira's story is how she managed to go from being collateral damage to rising from the ashes of the adversity she experienced in her life.”


Your Daley Pass

Fiona Daley and Courtney Passfield


Topics & Takeaways:

  • What does grief look like?

  • Is there a right way to grieve?

  • What role does shame play in how we grieve?

  • Is there a timeline to grief?

  • And how do we even begin to heal from our grief?


A home worth having podcast

Nicole Scholtysik


Topics & Takeaways:

  • The role shame plays in developing our narratives and beliefs about ourselves and our place in this world

  • The connection to early childhood and shame development

  • How to shift away from shame-based thinking and let go of the drive to fit on or conform


what more could you want?