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ONLINE: Fear & Creativity: How to Maximize Authenticity

Fear is essential to our continued advancement and survival. Its role?

To keep us safe and alive.

As we have evolved, the threats to our survival have drastically decreased. You would think that the intensity and presence of our fear-brain might have directly correlated. However, it has done the opposite. Fear is even more present in this modern day age. Choice and ambiguity have increased. We are constantly creating new visions, products, and worlds to exist in, that we are faced with exponentially more decisions and opportunities than our ancestors. Our brains become paraliyzed with fear of the unknown and making wrong decisions that we hold back our true authentic selves. If we stop creating, we are just surviving, and we all have limitless potential and opportunity within us to achieve more! Fear is getting in the way, 

The good news is that we can learn how to confront, control, and use fear to program our brain to better respond to ambiguity and uncertainty.

Through this interactive workshop, we will tackle this issue and work to create a strategic plan to combat your fear- brain. By the end of this workshop, you will gain a clearer understanding of what fear is, and how it affects our mind and body. We will identify the types of fear we all experience, and where they come from. We will learn to shift our brain's functioning and our association with our fear in order to maximize creativity and authenticity.