Adversity Rising

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Why Productivity is Not Enough to Create the Life you Deserve.

Your worth and value are not connected to what you do, but how you show up to your life as a whole.

It’s easy to fill our time with tasks, to-do's, worries, thoughts, and mindless social media scrolling sessions. Like gas in an enclosed container, "stuff" will always take up as much space in our life as we allow. And then it becomes wishful thinking to assume that we will ever live a life that is not “busy.” All “busy” really means is that we are consumed by these thoughts, feelings, and behaviors and do not know how to move past or separate ourselves, or work more effectively within them.

From here, the idea of productivity was born. Being able to manage our time and energy most effectively to progress towards our goals and complete the tasks at hand more efficiently and with greater ease. This first step was excellent in the process of treating the disease of busyness. It forced people to use systems of delegation, automation, deleting, and prioritization. But productivity often misses some key concepts that can only be mastered when we take it to the next level of elevation — Intentional Productivity.

When we are intentional, we assume the skills and tools of a more productive lifestyle, while focusing on connecting to our deeper purpose and rooted values.

We shift to thinking about the "why" behind our choices and see our f*cks — time, money, and energy — as critical investments to consider. It’s not just about being more efficient but doing something that fuels us and feeds our mind, body, and soul. It’s about being productive and flexible enough to respond to what we have on our plates while honoring the state of ourselves, and knowing that our worth and value are not connected to what we do but how we show up to our life as a whole.

What stage do you find yourself at? Busy, Productive, or Intentional? 

What is one way you can help make the shift to the next stage or create greater depth in your intentionality?

As always, let me know how I can support you on this journey, and please comment below to bridge community and accountability.

Are you interested in more micro-shifts that you can make to live a more positive and happy life?

Here are some more resources, I’ve curated just for you!

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