Adversity Rising

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It can wait! See you in the Fall!

I have a tendency to try and do it all. If you are familiar with my work, you know that has a lot to do with my shame stories that I have to do it all in order to be worthy, good enough, acceptable.

One of the things I am actively working on is challenging this notion and one way I can do that in to honor that I am in a state of swirl — meaning I have a lot on my plate right now that I am really excited about both personally and professionally and in order to give myself the space to show up and be who I want to be and give it all I can (because I want) to, I am giving myself the permission to take the summer off from blogging.

Don’t worry, you can still find tons of new content with videos released each week on YouTube, a bi-weekly email newsletter with exclusive content that I don’t share anywhere else, guest blog posting on the Portland Mom Collective and SOULBASE Magazine and of course, new podcast guest episodes updated as they are released!

I am excited to focus my energy on all of the work I have in front of me with some amazing projects and the upcoming early access release of my program, That Life / AR.

If you need anything from me, simply email me and I will be here. Otherwise, I will see you in the fall blog readers!

