Adversity Rising

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The power of a daily gratitude practice

This simple practice is one of immense power and possibility. And, unfortunately, like many of the most helpful routines and rituals in our lives, this practice can often get overlooked, pushed to the back burner or become laden with pressure and misconception that makes it difficult to engage in.

So, let’s break it down, demystify it a bit and figure out the best way you can make a practice of gratitude work for you in your life!

First off…Why is gratitude so important?

Check out my short YouTube video that talks about what barriers and misconceptions we have about gratitude and some of the most important benefits of expressing and cultivating a mindset rooted in gratitude can have not only in our own lives but in the impact we can have in the world overall.

How can you bring this into your life in a sustainable way that does not require a lot of time?

My daily practice includes saying 3 key things every night:

  • A person/thing I am grateful for

  • A win I had today

  • An intention I want to hold for the next day

These 3 things take me less than 2 minutes to write or share out loud and help me recenter my focus, consider my impact and celebrate the people and things around me that have helped me continue in my daily life and towards my goals and dreams.

A friend of mine has a hard time engaging in these practices without reminders and supports so she actually sets an alert/reminder on her phone to go off 2x a day that asks her what she is grateful for in that moment so that she can re-anchor her day back to gratitude and make those shifts in her ways of thinking I talked about in the video!

Okay, your turn. These examples take less than 2 minutes. You can feel free to borrow/steal our rituals and make them your own or come up with your own!

Once you have found something that works for you, share it with the rest of us in the comments below so we can continued the ripple of inspiration!

Looking for more on this topic? Check out the following:

  • Snag this handout on gratitude and more ways to expand or build your practice

  • Try this trick to get out of a negative mindset

  • See why getting comfortable in ambiguity is important

  • Learn more about the role of core beliefs in initiating your stress response

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