Adversity Rising

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Stop qualifying what you say

Qualifiers are words that are used to increase or decrease significance, quality or value of another word.

Examples can include, “just”, “I think”, “It’s just my opinion, but”, “I guess”, “possibly”, etc.

When it comes to our sense of selves and the way we communicate with others, we often use qualifiers to dismiss the worth or value of what we are saying. We reinforce our negative self-talk through words like "just," "it's only my opinion," or "I know I may not be the expert in the room, but...".

Take all of these words out of your vocabulary. If you have an opinion, share it.

Don't qualify who you are and why you should or shouldn't be listened to.

By making this change, you will allow yourself to believe that you don't have to constantly downplay your thoughts because you are unworthy or have to earn your place. Instead, you have value and a right to be heard.