Adversity Rising

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How To Trick Your Brain Into Seeing Anxiety As Excitement

Did you know that fear and anxiety elicit the exact same physiological response as excitement?

Yep. It’s true.

The only difference is whether or not you assign a "positive" or "negative" correlation to it.

So, the next time you are about to do something that leaves you feeling uneasy, anxious and unsure, say OUT LOUD — this is key — AT LEAST 2 times:

"I am so excited"

Do this while trying to slow the breathing — in through the nose and out through the mouth. The breathwork will help to downregulate your nervous system and temper that physiological response while using the phrase, “I am so excited” will trip the wire in your brain that associates these feelings with something positive versus something to be feared.

Now, it is really important to note that the goal is not to make the feelings you are having go away. These bodily sensations and thoughts indicate:

  1. You care about whatever it is you are doing or whomever you are engaging with

  2. You are doing something that challenges you.

Instead, the goal is to slowly help your brain shift from labeling this experience and these “symptoms” as negative or anxiety-inducing and grease the pathway that leads your brain to see these actions as neutral and/or positive so that you can continue to grow and live your best life.

Looking for other ways to manage your anxiety and distress? Check out these videos and handouts.