Adversity Rising

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One word to change the way you think about yourself.

In our chaotic, achievement-oriented society, it's easy to fall into the trap of measuring our worth by what we do rather than who we are. Our sense of self becomes dictated by how much we accomplish in a given day, linking our value to the tasks we complete, the goals we achieve, or the recognition we receive.

But to what end? What happens to our worth on a day we do less? What happens when we sleep in and aren’t as productive in the morning? What happens if we try something and fail? Are we no longer worthy?

What if we shifted our perspective to the part of us that actually matters — who we are? What if, instead of seeking validation in external accomplishments, we centered our self-worth in the core of our being, acknowledging that we are inherently valuable? How?

Simple. Just a word change. Almost imperceptible when you hear it.

Make the switch from “I did enough” to “I am enough”.

Because, sure, what you do matters. In many ways. It has a profound effect on the way you lead your life and contribute to the world around you. And, you are more than the bullet point list of your accomplishments. And success, failure, growth, stagnancy, hard times and easy, you are deserving of love, connection and security within yourself and this world.

I know you won’t believe yourself the first time you say it. Your shame will do whatever it can to take that from you and feed back to you the list of your non-accomplishments and failures. We can’t stop it from happening. But we can choose to let both thoughts exist — you don’t yet believe you are enough and yet, you might possibly be.