Adversity Rising

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100% is Contextual & Subjective

We are all guilty of over-scheduling ourselves; having ridiculous expectations and pretending we have the time, energy and capacity to do it all without ever needing a break.

The idea of always giving 100% consumes us. But the problem is not that we want to give 100%.

The problem is that we keep assuming 100% is some objective level of performance and that it does not ebb and flow.

We equate it with perpetual motion and a focus on doing rather than being.

100% is subjective and can’t be measured based on how we think others expect us to perform or by trying to conform to these ridiculous expectations.

We need to slow down, turn inward, and ask ourselves what is reasonable to expect of ourselves today.

Ask yourself, “What does 100% look like today?

If it's getting out of bed and taking a shower, then that is your 100% that day. If it is taking on that big project you have been overwhelmed to do, then that is 100%. Maybe it's taking a moment to be with loved ones or getting into bed at a reasonable time.

Whatever it is, celebrate it. Own it. And be kind to yourself.